Integrated Voting System in Tanzania

02 Sep, 2021. By: Frank Mwasalukwa

Franklin BMC has now introduced an integrated Voting System in Tanzania. The system is called integrated because it involves multiple platforms to collect data of voters.

The platforms we are talking about here are SMS, USSD Codes, Whatsapp, Webpages. The mentioned platforms are commonly used by many in Tanzania and worldwide.

The solution can be used by various industries with different niches such industries are Government Boardies, Non-Government Boardies (NGOs), Private sectors, Awards, Union, Corpartives, Political Parts, and many others.

Our company will provide the service in SMS, USSD Codes, Whatsapp, and designed webpage (your brand) ready to vote. We will also provide a Portal for your team to interact with the votes and voters.


Plot 1/2 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd, Namanga
P.O Box 106176,
Dar es Salaam, Tz
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+255 22 2664 739
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